My Services While you focus on technology, I take care of the user's needs.
Together we build an application that is a pleasure to work with!

user research.

The art of asking questions - Why ...?
In order to uncover user's needs, I'm gonna listen deeply and apply suitable methods:

  • 360° business & competitor analysis
  • qualitative research such as surveys
  • quantitiative research such as interviews
  • explorative activities such as contextual inquiries and shadowing
  • To communicate and visualize my research findings, I deliver and present to your team (depending on study set-up):

  • (proto) personas and empathy maps
  • cross-system/-departmental scenarios
  • customer and user journeys
  • task flows and jobs to be done
  • My actionable reports come with deep insights that are turned into business requirements and include solution proposals.

    ux strategy.

    Wayfinding in the UX jungle
    I help start-ups and established companies to balance business with user goals:

  • imagine the best product vision / MVP
  • define s.m.a.r.t. goals on high level
  • create a sprint based roadmap
  • define the product backlog in JIRA
  • refine related epics and user stories
  • To bring your mission to life, I am happy to share and apply proven best practices:

  • UX Design OPS - such as a design system that includes a pattern library
  • UX Research OPS - such as evaluating a research tool and study repository
  • EX Employee Experience to uncover what team members struggle with - e.g. inefficient workflows, and how to fix them
  • As a result, you get UX tasks integrated into your (agile) product development process.

    creative collaboration.

    Workshops that enable innovation
    The magic of design happens when people from different disciplines come together: product owners, developers, business managers, sales and marketing, and users.

    All stakeholders and experience levels are welcome to join my hands on trainings:

  • Develop your Design Thinking Mindset
  • Walking in your customer's footsteps
  • Interactive Paper Prototyping and Testing
  • User Story Mapping and the UX Matrix
  • GOOGLE Design Sprint / 3-4-5 days
  • My speciality is developing individually tailored sessions according to your current project status and the needs of your team.

    To enhance or change your UX career, you can also book me as your personal coach and mentor, e.g. to review your portfolio/CV.


    Assumptions vs. reality
    Once it's clear WHAT our users need - backed up on insights from user research and data analysis - we can move further forward in the iterative design process. To understand HOW a design can best fullfill the users needs, I'm gonna 'fake it till we make it' and create:

  • scenic comic-style storyboards
  • process diagrams and screen flows
  • sitemaps with menues and hierarchies
  • low-fi wireframes and mock-ups
  • high-fi interactive click dummies
  • Such deliverables are usually build in industry standard prototyping tools like AXURE and FIGMA. But sometimes PowerPoint and paper are good enough, because they enable non-designer to quickly evaluate and implement valuable feedback.

    Testing Time.

    Validating hypothesis
    Hypothesis driven design allows us to make design decisions based on actual data, not personal preferences. To see if our product follows expectations, if features are understood and accepted, we need to test them with people that match the user group:

  • early concept discussions
  • moderated user testing
  • unmoderated usability testing
  • card-sorting and tree-testing
  • A/B testing of variants
  • Regular testing - remotely or in person - ensures continious improvement and makes a product user friendly, with intuitive navigation and interaction design. In order to find suitable probands, I collaborate with recruting agencies such as Testingtime.

    Expert review.

    UX audit from a professional
    Get my expert feedback and actionable insights on your app or website if you

  • are uncertain about best usability
  • know about some navigation issues
  • suffer from poor customer ratings
  • want more prospects to sign-up and buy
  • Ask me to systematically analyse your product and do a cognitive walkthrough for a specific persona and scenario. I will proof the design against usability heuristics, common standards and your brand guidelines.

    You get a detailed documentation with priotized UX, UI and usability issues - including recommendations and proposals to improve conceptual ideas, interaction design, restructure content and create concise UI copy.

    About Me I'm a digital consultant with focus on human centered design

    Hello, I'm Susanne

    My wide experiences in many disciplines, job roles and companies made me a t-shaped person who loves to collaborate in interdisciplinary teams. My goal is to enable users getting their tasks done - effectively and effortless - thanks to a consistent user experience that hopefully brings also joy and fun :D

    I help start-ups and international players to transform good ideas into better products. To identify behavioral patterns, goals and underlying motivations, I conduct qualitative and quantitative user research. To understand which concepts and designs work best, I create prototypes and validate hypothesis with help of user and usability testing.

    As a UX consultant for software companies, I apply best practices to integrate agile and user-centered methods in a seamless product development process. For teams that want to skill up their research and design skills, I offer a variety of hands-on workshops and trainings. To individuals, I offer accompanying career coaching and mentoring as well as personal self-exploration.

    When offline you can find me in the great outdoors with my sea kayak or motorcycle, or getting my hands dirty with organic gardening. Originally from southern Germany, I love decorating my home and sharing traditional crafts cross-cultural. To strengthen my body and mind, I practice Iyengar yoga, study Buddhist psychology and practice for my certification in Zen Coaching.

    Susanne Kreuz

    References What others say about me:

    "We got to know Ms. Kreuz as a very good and professional user researcher and were always satisfied with the results."

    Sebastian Schulz, Manager User Experience, Union Investment

    "Thank you very much for the excellent work you have done on Paved Road. I was really impressed by how deeply you delved into this complex domain and brought data to light for the Hyperspace portal."

    Dirk Lehmannn, CI/CD Product Management, SAP SE

    "Susanne led two meaningful and interactive sessions on developing one's Customer Journey for the SINGA Factory startup program in Zurich. Working with Susanne was a real pleasure for both the participants from refugee and migrant backgrounds and the SINGA team. Thank you very much!"

    Ella Stadler-Stuart, Co-founder Rflect, Director of Studies CAS Women Leading Digital HWZ

    "SWISS ARMY KNIFE is the phrase that comes to mind when I think about Susanne (no pun intended). ... I found her to be a great communicator, a fine writer, a sharp but gentle project manager, an experienced UX-designer and researcher as well as an extremely nice and fun person to be around!"

    Sabina Perssons, Co-founder & Chief Experience Officer at Custellence

    What my personality type INFJ Advocate tells you about me:

    "Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things."

    Education My learning journey - currently I practice for my certification in Zen Coaching

    User Experience Design

    Design Thinking, agile and scrum had a big impact on my work since starting with digital projects > 20 years ago. A five month online training, covering the whole UX process, enabled me to design my first app. My personal mentor sharpened my ability to focus on the audience, asking the right questions, and listen deeply. To keep myself up to date in human centered design, I regularly visit international conferences and attend and lead workshops.

    Prototyping and testing is the core to create a user friendly app and improve the design.

    Information Design

    For many years I created software manuals, user guides and wikis. Those information products addressed different target groups and helped consultants, developers and key users to implement, enhance and operate complex business applications. I studied Funktionsdesign (c) at the Technical Academy Esslingen (TAE) and learned to apply DITA and XML techniques to handle complex information of extensive websites, intranets, and online portals.

    To structure and standardize content, I define modular templates, create ux/ui pattern libraries and design guidelines.

    Marketing & PR

    Voluntary services in publishing companies connected me with the media business. I learned to publish books and understand layout and typography. To promote products and events, I created press releases and spread the news to journalists. Later I changed the page and worked as an editor, doing interviews and writing success stories and advertorials. Today I still like to blog, especially about ux related topics such as Personas am Leben halten for TestingTime.

    My ability to communicate complex and even unpopular topics can help balance stakeholders interests.

    Art History & Psychology, M.A.

    Being fascinated by art and design, my university studies followed that path. Analyzing paintings and sculptures made me understand the effects of colors, shapes and style. My search for what makes us individuals resulted in studying cognitive and developmental psychology. I love to analyze people, explore new technologies and their impact on our life. My interest in cultures led to European Ethnology and intercultural communication.

    Life has many different colors - let's worship diversity to find creative solutions that matter.

    My Blog Find out about ux related topics and events:

    UX360° - Certified UX & Usability Expert

    Back @school

    By Susanne / June 28, 2018

    Want to dive deeper into ux and usability? Join me for a training and learn a plenty of useful human centered design methods - it's fun!


    How to implement UX?

    By Susanne / July 16, 2018

    This is the winner in my hitlist of ux related FAQ! In my projects of the last 5 years I found 10 general, enlighting answers I want to share with you.

    Talk UX Taipei

    Looking for Ladies that UX!

    By Susanne / January 10, 2018

    Wanted: Ladies in user experience design to start a meetup in Zurich. If you are a female ux designer based in Switzerland you are welcome to join.

    CoHappy 2018!

    CoHappy New Year!

    By Susanne / January 6, 2018

    2017 has been full of inspiring people, locations, and events! My personal highlights: Working Products in Hamburg, Tallinn’s 11th Design Festival, and the Talk UX conference in Taipei.

    Paper Prototyping

    Let's get offline!

    By Susanne / August 12, 2017

    I was invited to the user love barcamp for a workshop in paper prototyping and testing. Let me explain the process so that you can benefit, too.

    Usability in Germany: Connecting the dots!

    Re-Design your conference!

    By Susanne / March 29, 2016

    Last week I participated in the annual conference Usability in Germany in Mannheim. This made me think about how to optimize the event and get most out of the big variety of interesting topics.

    HDK Zurich

    What is information architecture?!

    By Susanne / March 1, 2016

    On February 20, 2016, this year's World Information Architecture Day (WIAD) was celebrated in 57 locations in 28 countries. But what is IA about?!

    Let' get visual

    Let's get visual :o)

    By Susanne / Feb 8, 2016

    Don't be afraid to sketch your ideas, visualising isn't that hard. I'd love to share a little story how sketching can enrich also everyday life.

    Break the rules

    Are you a work@holi?

    By Susanne / Jan 12, 2016

    "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." If you are not hat lucky, think about working as a volunteer in your vacation.

    Your dream job does not exist. You must create.

    Your dream job does not exist.

    By Susanne / January 10, 2016

    Nearly a year ago that I decided to quit my job as a senior information developer. What made me run away, and what kind of challenge am I looking for?

    Cindy Lauper: True Colors

    What´s your true color?

    By Susanne / January 2, 2016

    Growing up in the 80s brings back Cindy Lauper`s love song True Colors. Actually, this post is about boxes psychologist and recruiters want to lock us in. Check out if they are right!

    UX Design Certificate

    Congratulation ;-)

    By Susanne / May 23, 2015

    Proud to post that I am finally done with my course, a challenging but rewarding journey along the whole ux design process!

    UX barcamp Zurich

    What is a barcamp?

    By Susanne / May 12, 2015

    "Unlike a traditional conference, a BarCamp is an event which is shaped by the attendees." Sounds interesting? Learn more about barcamps and unconferences.

    UX Lisbon

    Meet me at UX LX

    By Susanne / April 10, 2015

    From 3 to 5 June 2015 you can find me in Lisbon, Portugal, attending the User Experience Design Conference. Looking forward to meet you!

    Contact Me Let's talk UX!

    Please check the data protection policy before you drop me a line:
